Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tip for using the google gadget

If you're interested in an event I've posted and tried to click on it, you may notice a google calendar entry that looks all garbled and whack. Best thing to do would be to right-click on the hyperlink and either open it in a new window or new tab so you can see all the details properly.

I have an estimated re-entry into proper society in early September, so I hope to resume writing soon.

Til then! ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New google calendar gadget added

I'm way too busy to write these days :( But that doesn't mean I don't stay on top of goings on around town :D

I created a google calendar which is viewable to the public and I also added a widget to my right side bar so you can see all sorts of events, parties, openings that I think are cool. Maybe I may someday have time to actually attend one of these things *sigh*
